ALNAP M&E Skills-Building Days

4 – 5 June
08:30 - 17:30, GMT

Quick Wins

Participants at the Skills-Building Days shared ‘Quick Wins’ with each-other – simple tips for fast measures that had a big impact on improving MEL practice in their organisations. They shared the tips as post-it notes on a joint wall, so that other participants could view and discuss.

To share these with the MEL community, and inspire further discussion amongst practitioners, we have replicated the wall online. Feel free to view, zoom in, click and comment – and even add your own tips. Videos of select ‘Quick Wins' will also be added to this board soon.

Event Agenda

This year's Skills-Building Days presented a unique opportunity to humanitarian evaluators and for the first time, monitoring practitioners, to participate in peer-learning and networking with other professionals in both fields.

This was done in open format sessions on day 1 and more structured sessions on day 2.

The outputs from ALNAP's M&E Skills Building Days can be found via the links below. 

Day 2
Session 1 | Where are we now? Real-Time Reviews and other learning-oriented activities: 

This session will look at the current state of play for real-time evaluations, real-time reviews, response reviews (…) and other more learning-oriented evaluative activities. It will offer a space for reflection on the approaches and tools used by different agencies and time for discussion with peers about challenges and potential solutions. 

Session 2: 

In the afternoon we will have two parallel skills-building sessions:

  1. Evaluation synthesis: Lessons learned exchange 
    As requested by 2017 Skills-Building Day participants, this session will focus on how to conduct evaluation synthesis, profiling the wealth of experience within the ALNAP Membership.
  2. Getting to better qualitative monitoring data and information
    This working session will serve to help inform ALNAP's new research on how to improve the quality and use of qualitative information for monitoring purposes in humanitarian action.
Day 1
Session 1 | Purposeful Networking: 

The core aim of the morning session is to help participants make useful connections within the ALNAP Network and start having fruitful exchanges. Through a variety of activities participants will be encouraged to share expertise. Participants will also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the ALNAP evaluation workplan. 

Session 2 | How to avoid reinventing the wheel? Peer-learning on sharing M&E good practice: 

The aim of this session is to provide a space for discussion and exchange on how different agencies ensure that worthwhile monitoring or evaluation practices are recognised, captured and shared across operational contexts. Agencies will be encouraged to share different and creative approaches that are currently being used.