In June 2016 ALNAP brought together coordination experts from across and beyond the humanitarian sector to address common coordination challenges, share learning and identify concrete recommendations to improve humanitarian coordination.
Prior to the meeting, ALNAP prepared a series of briefing papers looking at how humanitarians can: coordinate across a response more effectively; involve national actors; make the most of information management; and improve decision-making in humanitarian coordination. These issues were discussed further in a webinar series.
The meeting itself focused on the Cluster coordination architecture. A diverse range of participants attended, ranging from representatives of Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs), Clusters, and NGO consortiums to emergency management professionals, regional and developmental coordination bodies, and academics. The themes and recommendations from the meeting are captured in the ALNAP study Improving Humanitarian Coordination, and are summarised in the Executive Summary. Following the launch of the report, ALNAP held a webinar 'How can we improve humanitarian coordination?' to discuss the themes that emerged from the meeting.