Registration, Targeting and Deduplication: Emergency Response inside Ukraine

Tonea, D. and Palacios, V.
Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2022
Lessons papers
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Conflict, violence & peace
Ukraine, Russian Federation
CALP Network

Six months after the Russian invasion, Ukraine has rapidly become one of the world's largest humanitarian crises. As of 23rd of July 2022, 6.3 million people are internally displaced. Out of the 10.4 million people recorded to have crossed the border to other countries, approximately 4 million have returned to Ukraine. With functioning markets in most of the territory, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) prioritized Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) as the most appropriate humanitarian assistance for the Ukraine crisis. According to the Ukraine Cash Working Group (CWG), there are currently 28 cash actors with operational presence in Ukraine who report their activities to the CWG, and the cash sector is delivering 492 million USD to people in need.

The CALP Network is the co-facilitator of a Learning Group (LG) working under the governance of the CWG. The overall objective of this group is to strengthen the ongoing cash response in Ukraine through the analysis of existing learning and documentation of lessons and good practises to inform other cash responses globally. This thematic paper will contribute to learning, documenting key lessons learnt, emerging critical issues, and real-time recommendations.