Gaza Multi-Purpose Cash Programme: Endline Evaluation

Publication language
Date published
07 Aug 2020
Impact evaluation
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Evaluation-related, Food security
Mercy Corps

This report presents the key findings of the pilot Gaza Multi-Purpose Cash Programme (GMPC) implemented by Mercy Corps Palestine in the Gaza Strip during 2019-20, with funding from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and in partnership with the Bank of Palestine and the World Food Programme.. The analysis was conducted by Causal Design, in collaboration with the Mercy Corps Palestine team. The aim of the programme was to: 1) enable 1,227 poor and food insecure households (both refugee and non-refugee), in two governorates of the Gaza Strip (Gaza City and North Gaza), to meet their varied basic needs; and 2) compare the impact of the modalities on a range of welfare indicators, such as food consumption, use of coping strategies, and household cash flow (income and expenditure). The programme delivered three cash assistance modalities using two delivery mechanisms.