Evaluation of the UNHCR - Government of Colombia Four-Year Plan (2015-2019)

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2020
Impact evaluation
Assessment & Analysis, Forced displacement and migration, Government

This report contains the Final Evaluation of the UNHCR-Government of Colombia Four-Year Plan (2015- 2019), hereinafter "the Plan”. UNHCR Colombia commissioned Econometría to conduct the evaluation between December 2019 and April 2020. It covers the Plan implementation period from January 2016 to December 2019. The objectives of the evaluation were to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the Plan; to draw lessons and best practices; and to formulate conclusions and recommendations that can serve as the basis for planning the next cooperation cycle. The stakeholders of this evaluation are UNHCR, the Government of Colombia (GoC) at the national and territorial levels, and the participating communities, in addition to other United Nations and cooperation agencies.

The UNHCR-GoC Four-Year Plan (2015-2019) was a response to the UNHCR's commitment with the GoC to strengthen national mechanisms for protecting and assisting the country's forcibly displaced population. An investment of USD 50.2 million was allocated to four lines of cooperation (LC): 1. Protection and Prevention; 2. Durable Solutions; 3. Participation; and 4. Overcoming the Unconstitutional State of Affairs (ECI).0F 1 The Plan was designed in 2015 under the Santos administration, in light of the implementation of Victims Law 1448 of 2011 and of the Peace Agreement process between the GoC and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).