Evaluability Assessment of UNICEF Maldives Country Programme 2016 - 2020

Milward, K.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2021
Impact assessment
Strategic evaluation, Monitoring, No poverty (SDG), System-wide performance

The Evaluability Assessment is expected to determine whether the curent Maldives Country Office's monitoring system and databases are adequate for monitoring and reporting progress towards the achievements of the set CPD targets and results. The results of the EA will determine whether a country programme evaluation is feasible to inform the development of the New Country Programme Document 2021 - 2025.

The Country Office is set to initiate the planning process for the next Country Programme Document (CPD) in 2020, in preparation for a new programming cycle from 2021-2025. The current programme may be evaluated during 2020.

The purpose of the evaluability assessment is to assess and strengthen the evaluability of the UNICEF and Government of Maldives programme of cooperation. This involves assessing to what extent the current Maldives Country Office (MCO) monitoring system and databases are adequate for monitoring and reporting progress towards the achievement of the CPD targets and results as articulated in the results framework.

The Evaluability Assessment will involve three phases: Inception, Data Collection and Analysis and Validation/Reporting.