Pakistan, Food Assistance to Temporarily Dislocated Persons (2015-2017): an evaluation

Date published
18 Dec 2017
Impact evaluation
Food security, Recovery and Resillience, Zero hunger (SDG)

This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Pakistan Country Office and covers the ‘Food Assistance to Temporarily Dislocated Persons in Pakistan in 2015-2017. It was carried out in ‘2018’.

The evaluation was commissioned to generate, improve the effectiveness of the interventions and provide analysis on how the interventions are aligned with policies, strategies and plans, and was intended for both accountability and learning purposes. It focused on assessing the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, impact, efficiency, and sustainability of the interventions. Overarching evaluation questions focused on “To what extent were the interventions design and implementation appropriate and relevant to the needs of the assisted population including the most vulnerable population groups?"

The evaluation covered the following activities including Food Assistance for Assets to support rehabilitating the infrastructure at community and household level to promote food security, and early recovery and rehabilitation of livelihoods among the most food insecure groups.

Key evaluation findings included:

The evaluation finds that the GFD and FFA interventions have been implemented in line with the overall project de-sign and logic. Due to the high prevalence of food insecurity (39 percent of GFD beneficiary households had acceptable food consumption score in April 2016), the relief assistance to the TDPs, plus the provision of food rations for six months after their return home, was clearly relevant to beneficiary needs and food requirements.

Key recommendations from the evaluation included:

In light of the persistent food insecurity of the TDPs, and the likelihood that some of them will not return to their places of origin, WFP CO should determine the most adequate food assistance intervention to cover the needs of the vulnerable displaced population in FATA.