After Action Review - Tropical Cyclone Idai Response (link only)

Publication language
Date published
03 Jun 2019
Standby Partnership (SBP)
After action & learning reviews
Typhoons, humanitarian action, Response and recovery, Learning and evaluation of similar crises

In March and April 2019, Southern Africa was hit by two cyclones, Idai and Kenneth, which left a trail of destruction in their path. Close to 2.2 million people were in need of urgent assistance in Mozambique alone. Following the humanitarian response, a number of members of the Standby Partnership (SBP) agreed to conduct a joint After Action Review (AAR) focused primarily on Mozambique. The purpose of the mission was to assess the overall responsiveness and impact of the entire SBP response on behalf of all agencies and partners. It was then envisaged that this work could serve as recent evidence to pinpoint weaknesses in the current system and improve the mechanism going forward. A summary of key findings and recommendations from this AAR can be found on pages five and six of this report.