Navigating the Nexus in Uncertain Times: Lessons on adaptive management from the DRC

12 Jun 2020
12:30 - 13:30, GMT+1 – BST

The SDG 16 and Conflict Sensitivity Hub are pleased to co-host a webinar on adaptive management with World Visionand ALNAP on Friday 12th June at 12.30 UK time. 

World Vision will present its experiences of working across the humanitarian-development nexus using adaptive management approaches, with examples from the DRC. At the heart of this approach is a focus on context analysis and how this enables programming to be adaptive and flexible.

This work was started pre COVID-19 and WorldVision speakers will explain how this continues to be utilised as an approach during COVID-19 and what further adaptations have been needed. ALNAP will also present alongside World Vision, on the findings from its recent research Ready to Change?

Building flexibility into the triple nexus, which looked at agencies interested in working in the nexus and that seek to understand what flexibility looks like, what it can achieve in such contexts, and how it can be achieved. World Vision’s DRC work on adaptive management was included in this study and ALNAP will reflect on how these key findings remain relevant in light of COVID-19. 
Chair: Maya Assaf, World Vision International Director of Peacebuilding and Conflict Sensitivity 
Helen Barclay-Hollands, World Vision International Director for Humanitarian Programming and Information Management 
Sarah Pickwick, World Vision UK Senior Conflict Adviser 
Christian Kasereka, World Vision Democratic Republic of Congo Acting Operations Manager for Eastern zone 
Tilly Alcayna, Independent Consultant/Director of Research at Futureproof-Ideas and author of ALNAP publication “Ready to Change? Building flexibility into the triple nexus"