Annual Impact and Learning Review The Humanitarian - Development Nexus (CARE Canada)

Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2020
After action & learning reviews
Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Impact assessment, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Current learning and evaluation
Chad, Ethiopia, Jordan, Philippines, South Sudan, Occupied Palestinian Territory
CARE Canada

This internal-focused review aims to build on efforts within CARE to capture and reflect on the implementation of a nexus approach in practice, from the perspective and experience of CARE Canada and CARE Country Offices. Data was collected through document review and key informant interviews focused on six countries selected as case studies – Chad, Ethiopia, Jordan, the Philippines, South Sudan, and CARE West Bank and Gaza , primarily focusing on projects funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). This review is being shared externally in the hopes that its findings and analysis can support other organisations’ own internal reflections.