Preventing conflict and building peace through addressing the drivers of conflict and instability associated with forced displacement between Burundi and Tanzania

Bugnion de Moreta, C.
40 pp
Date published
19 Dec 2019
UN Peacebuilding Fund
Impact evaluation
Conflict, violence & peace, Peacebuilding, Coordination, Forced displacement and migration
Burundi, Tanzania

This is one of the first independent evaluations on PBF cross-border projects. As such it will contribute to global lessons learning on cross-border projects, aiming to inform both future PBSO and wider peacebuilding programming. The overall project objective was to mitigate instability and conflict linked to displacement in the Burundian-Tanzanian cross-border areas, improve protection and support to displaced persons, and enhance the resilience of host communities, contributing to socio-economic revitalization and peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region. Three UN Agencies were funded: IOM, UNHCR, UNDP in both Burundi and Tanzania.