Evaluation of national school feeding programme in Eswatini 2010-2018

Gandure, S., Sacolo, T., and Silaula, S.
70 pp
Date published
29 Nov 2019
Capacity development, Children & youth, Education, Food security, Nutrition

The evaluation was undertaken in 2019, at the time when the Government of Eswatini had issued a revised education and training sector policy (2018) that has a strong emphasis on school feeding. This policy seeks to introduce school feeding in all public primary and secondary schools in Eswatini. The evaluation timing also coincided with WFP Eswatini Country Office’s development of the five-year Country Strategic Plan (CSP) 2020-2024, that has school feeding as one of its strategic focus areas.

The purpose of the evaluation was to:

  1. assess and report on the performance and results of the NSFP as well as WFP technical support to the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), the National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS and partners;
  2. determine the reasons why results were achieved or otherwise, in order to draw lessons and derive good practices for future design and implementation of the programme.

The evaluation was jointly managed by the WFP Eswatini Country Office and the Ministry of Education and Training and conducted by independent consultants, with fieldwork taking place in May 2019.