Synthesis of Country Portfolio Evaluations in Africa (2016-2018)

Date published
01 Jun 2019
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Development & humanitarian aid

Sub-Saharan Africa faces complex challenges including recurring cycles of conflict, political instability and climate change-related shocks. Populations in the region are highly vulnerable to poverty, hunger and displacement. This report synthesizes the findings of eight evaluations of WFP country portfolios focused on the Sahel and the Horn of Africa, conducted between 2016 and 2018. It seeks to draw lessons from the evaluations; assess WFP performance and results; and expand the evidence base on WFP’s assistance in fragile and conflict-affected settings. The evaluated portfolios comprised 68 separate operations, with combined requirements of over USD 12.7 billion and targeted almost 100 million beneficiaries. The evidence shows that WFP’s specialized capabilities met highly unpredictable needs over the evaluation period. Strengths in rapid adaptation and scale-up; emergency response capacity; high-quality food security and nutrition analysis; and committed relationships with national partners supported large-scale food assistance delivery. WFP played a major role in preventing famines in Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.