Strengthening the humanitarian-development nexus in protracted crises

Date published
21 Jun 2017
Factsheets and summaries
Assessment & Analysis, Comms, media & information

The survey was sent to 28 country operations where there is an HC/RC present1. These respondents in turn chose to share and invite HCT/UNCT members to contribute individual responses. Some 23 individual responses have been received thus far, from the following 15 countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Eritrea, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Some by RC/HCs, some by individual HCT members, and some on behalf of HCT/UNCT. Surveys came from country teams responding to sudden onset and slow onset natural disasters, massive internal and refugee population movement, and complex situations due to conflict.