External evaluation of the disaster-management capacity of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan

39 pp
Date published
01 Dec 2011
Evaluation reports
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, National & regional actors, National Disaster Management Authority

The fundamental conclusion of this evaluation is that while the absolute (quantitative) level of the RCST’s humanitarian impact may be limited by the low resource-level the National Society struggles with, in qualitative terms it adds up to more than the sum of its parts. The DMC system has proved to be a success, and individual DMCs have done most of what, and sometimes more than, could reasonably be asked of them; the humanitarian impact of the relief goods and hardware they have at their disposal has often been amplified by the speed and agility of their response, as with (most recently) the flash flood in the centre of the city of Kulyab on 7 May 2010.