Annual review for the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa

26 pp
Date published
29 May 2019
Programme/project reviews
Funding and donors, Forced displacement and migration, Internal Displacement

The European Union (EU) and Member States have sought to develop a scaled-up and coordinated response to the migration and refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, and its impacts on countries of destination, transit and origin as well as on migrants and refugees themselves.

The programme (‘European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa’) provides a total €6M (£5.5M) bilateral contribution to the EUTF’s Horn of Africa and North Africa windows, alongside other Member State and international contributions and core EU funding. The Horn of Africa window (which covers Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda) is the DFID / HMG priority under the EUTF. Joint efforts under the North Africa window (covering Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) are essential to tackle unmanaged flows, prevent deaths at sea and in the desert, and address the exploitation and abuse of migrants and refugees in transit. However, our contribution is also intended to provide leverage to influence work across the whole of the Trust Fund, including its Sahel / Lake Chad window, ensuring a coherent, evidence-based programme that delivers value for money and supports broader partnership working with African countries on migration and development.

This is the second annual review of this programme. This Summary Sheet captures the headlines on programme performance, agreed actions and learning over the course of the review period. It should be attached to all subsequent reviews to build a complete picture of actions and learning throughout the life of the programme.