Emergency plan of action operation update: Drought: Kenya

Date published
01 Jan 2016
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

Due to poor performance of the long rains in March-April-May 2016, pastoral and marginal farming communities in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of the country are experiencing moderate to severe drought. According to the Kenya Food Security Steering Group Joint Long Rains assessment report (KFSSG
LRA), a total of 1,254,600 people mainly from pastoral (750,900) and marginal agricultural areas (503,700) in 19 ASAL counties are acutely food insecure, as they were directly affected by poor rains, as well as other existing and emerging vulnerabilities and require immediate food assistance. This is an increase of 500,000
more people in need compared to estimates from the February 2016, short rains assessment.

The UNICEF Kenya Nutrition Situation overview report of October 2016, indicates that the rates of malnutrition are critical, above 20 per cent in 4 counties (Turkana, East Pokot in Baringo, Mandera and Marsabit), extremely critical at 30.3 per cent in Turkana North and 15 per cent in West Pokot. An additional
4 counties (Samburu, Tana River, Garissa and Wajir) have serious acute malnutrition levels (10-14 per cent). Estimated malnutrition caseloads in ASALs is 294,300 children under 5 years (60,600 under Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and 233,700 under Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). Vulnerable pregnant and lactating mothers comprise 29,400 people.