Garissa County drought early warning bulletin for October 2017

Date published
31 Oct 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

Biophysical Indicators
- The average vegetation condition index for the county increased from 24.18 to 30.99 and fall in the moderate vegetation deficit category.
- The current average vegetation condition index is below the normal range of >35.
- Balambala and Lagdera Sub Counties are in severe vegetation deficit category with an index of 12.38 and 13.24 respectively. Dadaab is also in severe vegetation deficit category with an index of 17.75.
- Fafi and Township Sub Counties are in normal vegetation deficit with an index of 37.65 and 49.58 respectively.
- Ijara Sub County has a vci of 52.41 which indicates vegetation greenness above normal.
- Water sources currently in use are boreholes, River Tana, spring, water trucking and few water pans in the southern part of the county.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
- The livestock body condition was scored at a scale of 4-5. This indicated poor body condition. The trend was attributed to reducing pasture and browse condition.
- Milk production recorded 10.40 litres which indicate below the normal of 36 litres.
- The terms of trade recorded at 50kg of maize per sale of goat.
- Livestock in-migration was reported.
- The return distance to water sources for livestock slightly increased from 19km to 19.8km in the month under review.
- The malnutrition rate of children under five years at risk based on MUAC increased from 19.9% to 20% in the month under review.