Global WASH and Shelter Cluster Joint Advocacy Paper ‘Increasing Sectoral Cash Transfer & Market Based Programming Capacity

Publication language
Date published
03 Dec 2017
Research, reports and studies
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Shelter, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Global Shelter Cluster, Global WASH Cluster

The WASH and shelter clusters view cash transfer and markets based programming (CTP/MBP) as instrumental modalities for the delivery of humanitarian WASH and shelter support and services. The clusters and operational agencies representing both sectors are committed to scaling up the use of cash and market based modalities to assist crisis affected populations wherever possible. They are also seeking ways to build the necessary capacity and experience in CTP/MBP to meet key sector specific objectives.

To ensure alignment with commitments made as part of the WHS Grand Bargain the broader humanitarian community, donors and policy entities involved in promoting CTP must work with both sectors to help evolve their capacities. All sectors are not equal when it comes to CTP/MBP and the technical specificities of each sector may present constraints or opportunities towards a greatly scaled usage of CTP/MBP, and especially of unconditional cash and multi-purpose grants (MPG’s).