Nimroz Flood Response Lessons Learned: Collaboration with WASH Cluster

Publication language
Date published
30 Apr 2017
Relief International
Research, reports and studies
Disasters, Floods & landslides, Water, sanitation and hygiene

On 23 February 2017, RI received floods alert for Khashrood and Chakhansoor Districts from its team in Nimroz Province. While needs in Khasrood were soon covered by local actors, critical needs remained unaddressed in Chakhansoor, where the majority of stakeholders did not have a presence, or access to hard to reach areas in this emergency situation. 

In Chakhasoor, 11 villages were surrounded by water and 259 HHs heavily impacted; RI continued to gather information through the field staff and inter-agency coordination mechanisms, including a joint assessment led by the local government, which RI actively participated into. Water sources (most of which were open wells) had been either destroyed or contaminated and shelters affected, with the most urgent needs being clean water and basic hygiene items. RI was awarded a GBP 50,000 emergency grant by START fund and immediately started implementation in coordination with the WASH Cluster. RI urgently procured complete, WASH cluster recommended hygiene kits integrated with chlorine for water treatment and Oral Rehydration Sachets (ORS) to meet the water and hygiene needs of 259 affected HHs While carrying out distributions, RI’s trained staff conducted a more detailed needs assessment and shared the findings with the WASH Cluster and other stakeholders.