WFP Executive Board: Corporate Results Framework (2017–2021)

Publication language
Date published
14 Nov 2016
Plans, policy and strategy
Evidence, Monitoring, Organisational

WFP is committed to attaining the highest standards of accountability. This means optimizing its performance management system to realize the most effective and efficient use of resources, conduct monitoring to generate evidence for decision-making and support effective project-level and corporate reporting. WFP’s current performance management system is based on two results frameworks – the Strategic Results Framework (SRF) and the Management Results Framework (MRF) – each supported by distinct processes and internal planning and reporting systems to manage performance. The SRF captures what WFP does and the effectiveness of its outcomes while the MRF measures how efficiently WFP delivers its programmes. Together, they operationalize the WFP Strategic Plan and capture WFP’s results and performance throughout the project cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting.