How can we improve humanitarian coordination? Webinar Transcript

Publication language
Date published
18 Apr 2017
Conference, training & meeting documents

The humanitarian coordination system is fairly effective when it comes to enhancing cooperation to prevent gaps and overlaps, and at supporting good practice on the ground. However, it's less good at addressing ‘strategic’, response-wide issues. Why is this? How can we fix it? How can we improve humanitarian coordination? That was the question facing the 45 key thinkers, practitioners and decision makers working on coordination, within and beyond the humanitarian sector, present at ALNAP's 2016 meeting, 'Working together to improve humanitarian coordination'. Informed by prior research by ALNAP, that meeting produced concrete, actionable recommendations across six areas, aimed at improving the humanitarian coordination system. This webinar presented and reflected upon on those recommendations, discussed progress made on them so far, and looked at how they can be taken forward.