REACH Multi-Sector Needs Assessment III - Libya

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2016
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Needs assessment, Forced displacement and migration

The continuation of the civil war across Libya at the start of 2016 affected host and displaced communities, refugees and migrants alike, occasioning the displacement of an estimated 425,250 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who often lack access to basic services and adequate shelter. Hence, there is a continuing need for more data to inform sector-specific humanitarian planning in Libya.

Following two earlier assessments implemented by REACH and in cooperation with key humanitarian partners in August 2015 and February 2016, REACH, supported by the EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection conducted a third assessment in June 2016 to inform the humanitarian Needs Overview and Response Plan in Libya. Based on community-level data collected from over 500 People with Knowledge (PwK) in 27 municipalities in East, West and South Libya, the updated Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) draws comparisons, where relevant, between geographically opposite communities, and between the two earlier rounds and this latest MSNA.