
McDonald, B. and Rogers, P.
Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2014
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Research methodology

Interviews are a commonly used data collection method in impact evaluation, and there are many different
options to consider when including them.
In the context of UNICEF impact evaluations, interviewees may be children, primary caregivers, advocates
for children or other key informants. Interviewees can be chosen randomly or purposefully (or using a
combination of the two), and they can be interviewed individually or in groups, face to face or ‘virtually’ (i.e.,
via an online medium). Interviews can be conducted in a structured, semi-structured or unstructured way.
Responses can be recorded as audio, video, notes or codes, or using a computer. The range of analysis
options includes: developing detailed descriptions of processes or life impacts; generating themes to
summarize the data; or not undertaking significant analysis but instead using interview quotes to illustrate
quantitative data.
This brief outlines key issues to consider in planning interviews for impact evaluation, taking into account
the purpose of the evaluation, how interview data aim to complement other data for assessing impact, and
the availability of resources. The brief provides specific advice on successfully conducting interviews with
children, including how to address the particular ethical issues involved. The efforts required to plan
interviews properly and conduct them well should not be underestimated.