Updated guidance on evaluation in the handbook on planning, monitoring and evaluation for developmental results (2009)

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2011
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Development & humanitarian aid, Evaluation-related

The Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results (the Handbook)
was launched by the UNDP Administrator in September 2009. UNDP commissioned an independent
review of the evaluation policy in 2010, as per the provision made in the organization’s first evaluation
policy, approved by the Executive Board in 2006. While acknowledging progress made in the
implementation of the evaluation policy, the review highlighted a need to revise the evaluation policy
to further clarify roles and responsibilities of the key constituents of the organization, emphasize
key principles such as national ownership and codify current practice in the policy. In approving the
review and UNDP’s management response, the UNDP Executive Board requested the organization
to revise the policy, as well as relevant guidance and operational directives such as the Programme
and Operations Policies and Procedures (POPP) and the Handbook. The revised evaluation policy of
UNDP was approved by the Executive Board in January 2011. This addendum is intended to present
changes in the recently approved evaluation policy and how these changes affect guidance provided in
the Handbook.
The overall principles and guidance on what constitutes good planning, monitoring and evaluations
continue to be relevant and important to the UNDP efforts as it strives to be a more results-oriented