Evaluation of the Food Insecurity Emergency Appeal for Zimbabwe

Sibanda, S.
Date published
07 Aug 2014
Thematic evaluation
Food security, Nutrition, Livelihoods, Recovery and Resillience

Zimbabwe is one of the four countries in Southern Africa in which the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) launched food insecurity emergency appeals (EAs) following the poor harvests in the last two years up to the 2011/2012 agricultural season. The EAs were to support the countries’ national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to save lives and protect livelihoods, whilst contributing to building resilience and recovery for the affected populations. The food insecurity EA for Zimbabwe targeted 2,000 households in three wards in Nkayi District, Matebeleland North Province. It had an approved budget of CHF1,290,342 and was to last for nine months from January to September 2013. The EA operations comprised an emergency food assistance and three resilience-related components aimed at reducing food and nutrition insecurity, providing safe and clean water for domestic use and livestock and improved hygiene practices and community resilience through disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities.

The IFRC commissioned an evaluation of the 2012/2013 food insecurity emergency appeal for Zimbabwe which was conducted during the period 11 December 2013 to 25 January 2014. The objectives of the evaluation were to assess timeliness of the launch of the EA; preparedness and early actions of the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS); appropriateness of twin-track strategy and relevance of outcomes, activities and level of funding; engagement of in-country Partner National Societies (PNS); areas of improvement; level of commitment of ZRCS and partners to continue engaging in long-term food security and resilience; ZRCS’s relative advantage and niche in relation to other stakeholders; lessons and recommendations for future EAs in Zimbabwe. The methodology comprised a light, rapid and participatory perception study based on qualitative data collected from key informants and focus group discussions with beneficiaries, supported by quantitative data from secondary sources.