Syrian Refugees Emergency Needs Assessment Report

Arous, R.
Publication language
Date published
28 Feb 2013
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Needs assessment, Forced displacement and migration
Save the Children

Although Egypt does not share a border with Syria, it has received many Syrians in the last 12 months. Groups of displaced Syrians are gathering in the Greater Cairo Region (GCR), the satellite cities such as 6th October and Al Rehab, and other cities in Lower Egypt: Alexandria, Damietta, and Ismailia. Syrians have also dispersed into Upper Egypt, the Sinai and the Red Sea cities.

Considering the many areas of study that previous Needs Assessments by other agencies have already covered, Save the Children utilised the framework of the Emergency Needs Assessment (ENA) in order to gather in-depth information related to child protection, education and non-food items (NFIs). Moreover, it aimed to get a contextual under- standing of the various actors and their roles with the Syrian communities to identify the potential for partnerships and cooperation, and focus on areas where deficiencies are reported. To achieve that, an area-specific approach was used, targeting specific districts of urban Cairo where pockets of poor Syrians reside. The Emergency Needs Assessment, carried out in January/ February 2013, selected four areas of Syrian settlement: Masaken Othman, Omraneya, Faisal and Obour.