Early Warning Report

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2015
Factsheets and summaries
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Early warning

As an IASC early warning tool, the primary purpose of this report is to provide early warning, backed by evidence/rationale, of high risk/high impact/higher probability situations. The management of the IASC Task Team on Preparedness and Resilience (TTPR) provides the report for the following purposes:

  •  For consideration of appropriate action within the IASC Emergency Directors Group.
  •  For funding decisions taken as part of CERF deliberations (in particular consideration of underfunded situations).
  • To IASC Member Organisations for IASC system and member monitoring and advocacy for early action at country, regional and global level.

The report highlights twelve serious risks, either identified by the Emergency Directors Group as being of particular interest or identified by the TTPR Analysts Group as having the highest combined probability and impact, where there the risk/scenario has not been a focus of the EDG.

This report is produced bi-annually as an inter-agency effort by the TTPR for IASC member agencies. In addition to collaboratively assembling the report, the TTPR works to improve collective efforts of the humanitarian system particularly in the fields of early warning and early action.