SNAP: Syria Crisis Needs Analysis Project - Summary of Work

Publication language
Date published
20 Jun 2015
Factsheets and summaries
Needs assessment, Targeting, Identification and Profiling
Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt

The Syria Needs Analysis Project (SNAP) started in December 2012, as a collaborative project between ACAPS and MapAction, aimed at bringing together available information on humanitarian needs in the Syria crisis. At the time, information-sharing and publications on the humanitarian situation were extremely limited; in this context, SNAP’s initial goal was to help create a shared situational awareness among humanitarian actors, which in turn would contribute to a better-targeted and more needs-based response and improvements in the situation of crisis-affected populations. Over 2.5 years, SNAP has pursued these goals with a combination of independent information products, technical support and capacity building for humanitarian assessments. At the end of 2014, the project name was changed to Strategic Needs Analysis Project, to reflect the growing need for regional and whole-of-crisis analysis following the declaration of an L3 crisis in Iraq.

As SNAP closed at the end of June 2015, this document gives an overview of the project's outputs and activities during the 2.5 years of its existence.