Disaster Emergency Needs Assessment

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2000
Conference, training & meeting documents
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Disaster preparedness, Training

This module is one of nine modules that have been prepared by INTERWORKS for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Disaster Preparedness office in Geneva. This module can be used as for independent study, as a reference guide on the subject, and to provide participants at a workshop training event on this topic. It is intended to accompany the trainer's notes on this topic. Their intended use is global, and they are written for generalists, planners and professionals with disaster preparedness and/or emergency response responsibilities both within the Federation and in the National Societies. Non-governmental organisations interested in disaster preparedness and preparedness planning, government emergency commissions, local disaster committees and civil defence training units may also find these modules useful.
This material can be used as:
• A general reference material on disaster preparedness
• Training and workshop modules and trainer's guides
• An orientation to disaster preparedness for Delegates and NS officers
• A guide for assessing or planning disaster preparedness capabilities