No One to Turn To: The under-reporting of child sexual exploitation and abuse by aid workers and peacekeepers

Csáky, C.
Publication language
Date published
31 Dec 2008
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Children & youth, Complaints and feedback mechanisms, Organisational
Haiti, South Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire
Save the Children

Research carried out by Save the Children suggests that significant levels of abuse of boys and girls continue in emergencies, with much of it going unreported. This report focuses on ways to improve the international community’s response to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children by aid workers, peacekeepers and others acting on their behalf in emergencies. It draws particular attention to the problem of the under-reporting of such abuse and addresses a range of related issues. It is not a detailed technical document, but aims to bring new evidence into discussions among policy-makers, politicians and those grappling at the local level with the obstacles to effective action.

Research findings presented in this report are based on focus group discussions, meetings with humanitarian, peace and security professionals, desk-based research, and field visits conducted in 2007 in Southern Sudan, Co^te d’Ivoire and Haiti.