Final Project Review “Safe and Effective Programs through Fully Integrated Security Management” (FISM)

Ternström, B. and Oduor, F.
Publication language
Date published
03 Apr 2014
Programme/project reviews
Capacity development, Organisational, Organisational Learning and Change, Training

“Safe and Effective Programs through Fully Integrated Security Management" (FISM), the subject of this review, is an 18-month RedR pilot project supported by Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). The project aims to further enhance the capacity of organisations to deliver safe and effective humanitarian operations in East and Central Africa by delivering capacity building in security. The project was implemented in partnership with the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR). Participating organisations were six National Non-governmental organisations and seven International Non-governmental organisations with operations in Kenya.

The purpose of this review was to measure the achievement of project outputs (results), to assess and evaluate the project outcomes (in particular on the quality of provisions for staff safety) and whether the project has influenced organisational change, to measure achievements on Value for Money, to relate to the Theory of Change, to consider gender disaggregation of results, to assess sustainability and to provide recommendations.