Crisis Reports: Occupied Palestinian Territories

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2010
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Protection, human rights & security, Urban
Occupied Palestinian Territory

2009 saw an intensification of the politically-induced humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). Damage inflicted on Gaza during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead offensive in December 2008-January 2009 has not been repaired and the enclave’s infrastructure, economy and social fabric are under tremendous pressure. In the West Bank, protracted violations of human rights and humanitarian principles continued and the Israeli government dashed prospects for peace by further building settlements, despite growing international condemnation.

The blockade of Gaza was initiated in June 2007 following several years of rocket attacks on neighbouring Israeli communities and takeover of the enclave by Hamas. Rigorous enforcement of the blockade in 2009 permitted only a trickle of the most basic food, non-food and medical supplies to enter Gaza.

Gaza has, in effect, become a “humanitarian welfare” state, almost fully dependent on foreign aid.This poses a great risk for further instability. As standards of education, culture and living decline, Gaza has become a classic example of “de-development”.