Evaluation of Sida's Humanitarian Assistance - Case Study Report Kenya

Mowjee, T. and Sweeney, H.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2010
Evaluation reports
Development & humanitarian aid, Poverty, Urban

This case study of Sweden’s humanitarian support to Kenya is a part of the evaluation of Sida’s humanitarian assistance, which will contribute to the revision of Sida’s Humanitarian Strategy. This report analyses how Sida’s support to Kenya is contributing towards meeting the 8 sub-goals of its humanitarian strategy, and attempts to identify lessons to inform Sida’s future humanitarian programming.

The 2010 Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan (EHRP)2 underlines the fact that what connects the different emergencies affecting Kenya is a situation of chronic vulnerability and poverty, particularly in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) areas and urban informal settlements. Growing urban poverty and the increasing incidence of extreme weather events are exacerbating this vulnerability and point to the urgent need for disaster risk reduction activities and better links between development and humanitarian assistance. Otherwise it is left to the humanitarian sector to try to address problems of chronic vulnerability with short-term assistance.