Lessons learned from the Inter-Agency Real-Time Evaluation (IA RTE) of the Flood Response in Mozambique

Publication language
Date published
13 Jun 2007
Lessons papers
Disasters, Floods & landslides, Evaluation-related

This short paper provides 11 key lessons in conducting IA RTEs following the completion of the evaluation of the flood response in Mozambique. These are summarised at the beginning of this document. The evaluation was a success overall and points to the usefulness of the IASC joint one-year pilot RTE initiative. While its ability to feed into emergency decision-making on the ground was limited, considerable interest was generated and maintained in the evaluation at the global and country levels precisely because of its fast turnaround and dissemination soon after the emergency phase of the response. It is hoped that the lessons drawn can be applied to future IA RTE initiatives to be implemented in 2007.