Baseline Survey Good Humanitarian Donorship Pilot Democratic Republic of the Congo

Kinkela, C et al.,
Publication language
Date published
31 Dec 2004
Research, reports and studies
Funding and donors, Monitoring, Needs monitoring, Response and recovery
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the two countries chosen to pilot the Good
Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) initiative. A set of indicators reflecting the GHD principles was
developed for the evaluation of the DRC pilot to take place at the end of 2005. A baseline survey
was commissioned by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to
provide information on the status of donor funding and behavior in 2004 in order to measure
change in 2005. A team of independent consultants conducted the baseline survey through
interviews and data collection with major humanitarian actors in the DRC and donor
representatives and UN organizations in Geneva and donor capitals. This report was originally
issued in December 2004. It was subsequently updated, at the request of the Good Humanitarian
Donorship (GHD) Implementation Group in Geneva, to reflect final funding figures for the year