Flash Appeal Review 2008 - 2010

Publication language
Date published
01 Apr 2012
Programme/project reviews
Needs assessment

In order to ensure maximum utility of the Preliminary Scenario Definition and phase 2 assessment tools which are supposed to inform respectively Initial and revised Flash Appeal, the decision to undertake a review of recent flash appeal was made with the objective of better understanding the type of information being used as well as the level to which this information accurately described the needs of the affected population.

Within this study, Flash Appeals are reviewed to determine the amount of needs analysis provided along 18 Appeals (Initial and Revised) of nine major crises over the past three years. This study aims at reviewing how needs are presented and analysed in order to identify best practices and major shortcomings for improving the development of future Flash Appeals. 

Gaps in information within the Flash Appeals are documented to determine how best to address these information needs in the future. Special focus is brought to consistent and coherent inter-sector needs analysis as a foundation for a strategic appeal and for an informed needs based cluster/sector response plan.