Network Paper 65: Food security and Livelihoods Programming in Conflict

Jaspars, S and Maxwell, D.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2009
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Livelihoods, Protection, human rights & security
The paper starts with an overview of contemporary conflict
and the impact of conflict on livelihoods (Chapter 2),
followed by a discussion of the objectives of livelihoods
programming in conflict and possible livelihoods
interventions to meet these objectives (Chapter 3). The
livelihoods framework, as adapted for humanitarian
contexts by Tufts University, is used as the basis for
analysing the impact of conflict on livelihoods, and for
reviewing different types of food-security and livelihoods
interventions, using information gathered in the case
studies as well as some information from other conflict
areas, where relevant.
Whereas Chapter 3 discusses the types of interventions
that have been implemented in different phases or types of
conflict, Chapter 4 reviews ways of making livelihoods
programmes conflict-sensitive, by designing and implementing
interventions which ensure that risks are
minimised and positive impacts maximised. This discussion
refers in particular to benefits–harms tools and
humanitarian principles. Finally, the report draws
conclusions about the range of livelihoods interventions
that have been, or could be, implemented in situations of
conflict, and what more could be done to effectively
analyse and support livelihoods in conflict.