Humanitarian Exchange 19: Afghanistan

Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2001
Conflict, violence & peace, Coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, International law
Afghanistan, Angola, Sierra Leone, Sudan
The politicisation of humanitarian aid and its consequences for Afghans 2
The Strategic Framework and Principled Common Programming 4
Humanitarian aid and human rights 6
Natural disasters and complex political emergencies: responding to drought 8
Refugees and the role of civil society 10
Practice Notes
The theory and practice of ‘rebellious humanitarianism’ 15
Humanitarianism and international criminal justice 17
MSF’s advocacy in Angola 19
Capacity-building in southern Sudan 22
Humanitarian assistance in conflict: ActionAid-Sierra Leone 25
Measuring humanitarian need 28
A field-worker’s perspective of the Gujarat earthquake response 31
Using mobile medical units in emergency responses 33
Institutional Initiatives
Debating accountability 35
The Humanitarian Charter 37
Why should we have a humanitarian perspective on small arms? 40
The UN and IDPs 43
Information exchange for humanitarian coordination in the Horn of Africa 47
Policy Developments
USAID: saved at the cliff edge? 50
Operational models for civil–military cooperation 52
The UK military and civil–military cooperation 55
The military and refugee operations 57