Temporary Human Settlement Planning for Displaced Populations in Emergencies

Chalinder, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 1998
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Forced displacement and migration, Shelter and housing
This Review makes two principal contentions: i) that best, or better
practice, in the sector, should be dedicated to ‘planning for’ THS in emergencies,
not ‘planning of’ camps or sites and that ii) the necessary shift to longer term
or realistic project life planning will need to be clear exactly who the response
is being planned for and ensure that the option of targeting assistance
programmes to provide for both the DP and the host population is considered;
‘target area’ as opposed to ‘target group’ planning.
The Review was written with two principal audiences in mind; those concerned
with setting policy for human displacement responses and programme managers
from the NGO, UN, donor, Red Cross and host government sectors at both
headquarters and field level. It is also of relevance to technical specialists,
who, frequently being the first to arrive at a new emergency, may find the
Review to be of help in providing a wider, non-technical context for the decisions
they are asked to make.