Programme Accountability and Learning System (PALS)

Publication language
Date published
29 May 2009
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Accountability and Participation, Evaluation-related, Monitoring
Plan International
PALS is a system designed to guide Plan staff at the programme country level in their planning, monitoring and evaluation. It has been designed to support Plan in working towards its vision of a world in which all children realise their full potential in societies which respect people’s rights and dignity.
The development of PALS has been a collaborative effort, involving input on rights-based programme approaches from colleagues across the Plan world, and the wider development community. It has been designed to be consistent with the latest thinking on accountability and learning. It is not a series of steps to be followed by all Plan countries but instead describes the core processes to be adopted. Each Plan country is responsible for adapting and applying these core processes as appropriate to their local context.
PALS is presented in three levels:
Level one: ‘Core’ guidelines: this level is described in the following pages and gives a basic overview of the four stages of PALS, describing the mandatory processes of each stage.
Level two: “‘How to…” guides: this level provides more guidance on how to carry out the core processes.
Level three: “Toolkit”: this level will be developed over time, providing tools, methodologies and good practice to support various planning, monitoring and evaluation processes from across the Plan and wider development world.