Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practice in Managing for Development Results

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2008
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Organisational, Organisational Learning and Change
World Bank

The Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practice in Managing for Development Results (MfDR) is a valuable resource which provides solution-oriented examples of MfDR in action for practitioners at many levels and in many contexts. By focusing on observable and replicable interventions, the Sourcebook aims to increase the understanding of MfDR and illustrate how many stakeholders are effectively implementing MfDR principles for greater development effectiveness.

The First Edition of the Sourcebook (2006) highlights how countries and development agencies are managing for results at national, sector, and agency levels.

The Second Edition (2007) demonstrates how MfDR tools and strategies are used by different stakeholders including political decision makers, technical practitioners, the private sector, and NGOs.

The Third Edition of the Sourcebook focuses on the nexus between leadership and MfDR, surveying how leadership drives effective organizational change for results.

The Sourcebook is a product of the OECD/DAC Joint Venture on MfDR & the World Bank