Transforming development practice – the journey in the quest to develop planning, monitoring and evaluation systems that facilitate (rather than hinder) development

David, R, and Mancini, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2003
Conference, training & meeting documents
Accountability and Participation, Evaluation-related, Organisational, Organisational Learning and Change

ActionAid’s strategy, Fighting poverty together (1999-2005) has demanded significant
organisational change. Changes which attempt to bring our internal processes and
systems in line with our organisational goals and objectives – systems and processes
that facilitate rather than hinder the development process.
Central to these changes was the introduction in September 2000 of ActionAid’s
Accountability Learning and Planning System (ALPS). ALPS attempts to embed the idea
of rights and justice to the very heart of its accountability system. The essential
principles of ALPS are closely linked to AA’s mission and strategy, promoting
accountability, gender equity, transparency and empowerment of the poor. As such, the
system has the potential to create opportunities for poor people, particularly the most
marginalised groups, not only to access resources, but also have influence and choice.
This paper explores ActionAid’s experience of institutionalising such large change across
an international NGO. It explores the progress that has been made and the challenges
that ActionAid still faces.