Integrated Development and Peacebuilding Programming - Design, Monitoring and Evaluation

Bayne, S. and Vaux, T.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2013
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Peacebuilding, Evaluation-related, Monitoring

The past decade has seen a growing recognition of the relationship between the goals of development, peacebuilding and state building and increased convergence of development and poverty reduction efforts with peacebuilding, state building and reconstruction interventions. Efforts to strengthen the links between peacebuilding, state building and development have important implications for the design and implementation of development assistance.
This document gives guidance on how to design, monitor and evaluate ‘integrated’ development and peacebuilding programming. A programme can be described as integrated when a peacebuilding focus is intentionally embedded in the design and objectives of interventions and strategies containing development objectives (or vice versa).
The document includes a discussion of ways to integrate development with peacebuilding and guidance on developing robust theories of change and indicators for integrated programming. It also provides guidance on how to apply the OECD DAC evaluation criteria in evaluating integrated programmes, as well as on choosing an evaluation approach when commissioning an evaluation.