Evaluation of Fund for Diaspora Involvement in Rehabilitation and Development in Former Home Countries -a Danish Refugee Council Pilot Project - Evaluation Summary

Publication language
Date published
01 Feb 2012
Thematic evaluation
Forced displacement and migration, Funding and donors, Recovery and Resillience
Afghanistan, Somalia

The Fund for Diaspora involvement in rehabilitation and development in former home countries is a Danida funded DRC pilot project with the objective of strengthening the diaspora’s role in rehabilitation and development activities in their former home countries. The Fund provided and tested a range of methods, including co-funding and capacity building support to Somali and Afghan diaspora organisations, with the aim of improving their sustainable development effects. The Fund is part of a wider trend amongst development institutions, both public and private, to engage in a diaspora development paradigm, whereby the diaspora and their significant remittances and resources are drawn into the more formal and traditional development sector. A qualitative evaluation of the Fund was commissioned by DRC, primarily with a learning objective. The Fund was found to be effective in achieving its overall development objective. Diaspora organisations were able to utilise the co-funding and other forms of support offered by DRC to achieve development objectives at a scale and speed which they would not have easily achieved otherwise. Diaspora organisations were found to be already engaged in a very varied set of development activities, but the Fund improved their ability to access and manage institutional funds.