SOPAC Disaster Management Project Monitoring and Evaluation Group - Nauru In-Country Report 11-12 February 2003

Publication language
Date published
01 Feb 2003
Evaluation reports
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction

This report of the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Group departs from the normal evaluation of a project in progress. It endeavours to assess the potential of community risk projects within a nation where minimal intervention has occurred in disasters or community risk areas. The evaluation intends to identify the key issues that Nauru faces, a way forward in addressing the key issues, and the relationship of the issues to the current project and the recently-determined community risk programmed as risk management as institutionalised within SOPAC. The Disaster Management Unit is currently in transition from a definitive project to an institutionalised programme within the infrastructure of SOPAC. The community risk programme addresses the strengthening of resilience to disasters including, developing national disaster reduction programmes, processes and structures supporting capacity building. The programme is intended to mainstream risk management as an approach for economic and social planning, hazard identification and vulnerability assessments. The additional component of the programme addresses hazard assessment and mitigation practices.