Long Term Planning Framework Somalia 2012-2015

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2012
Research, reports and studies
Disaster risk reduction, Food and nutrition, Disasters, Urban, Poverty, Food aid, Food security, Drought, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction


Despite good rains in late 2011, at the outset of 2012, some 250,000 Somalis remain in famine. The complex humanitarian situation in Somalia triggered by the collapse of the Somali state in 1991 continues, taking a recent turn with the emergence of new opposition groups. Protracted conflict, coupled with cyclical drought, floods and disease outbreaks, has put at least half of the country`s 8 million people in need of humanitarian assistance or livelihoods support. Somalia remains a failed state, and public service infrastructure, including health and education is either weak or non-existent. In the absence of a viable public services sector, the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) remains one of the leading providers of humanitarian services in the country, with access to all 19 regions of Somalia.
SRCS volunteers distributing NFIs to IDPs in Burao, Toghdeer region, Somaliland. Photo by SRCS
The SRCS, supported by IFRC will focus on scaling up health services, strengthening community resilience through disaster risk reduction and improving its institutional capacity to do more, do better and reach further, adopting a multi-sectoral approach. With a network of 73 Mother and Child Health clinics, the integrated health care programme will reach more people affected by the conflict and eventual drought and flood.
The IFRC Secretariat, represented by Somalia Country Office, will focus on building partnerships, strengthening and diversify its resource mobilization capacity and humanitarian diplomacy to raise humanitarian standards in Somalia, assist the SRCS to grow its services for the vulnerable people and increase its contribution to the development of its network to sustain its humanitarian services. The required financial resources for the period 2012-2015 are estimated at CHF 9,308,000, with capacity to absorb more.