Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Actions 2002-2007

Otto, R. with Paterson, T. & Bohle, V.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2010
Evaluation reports
Conflict, violence & peace, Remote Programming and Management
European Commission


The overall objective of the evaluation exercise is to provide systematic and objective
assessments of EC-funded mine actions and to generate credible and useful lessons for decisionmakers,
allowing them to improve the planning and management of existing and future mine
action projects, programmes, and policies. The regional studies comprised an assessment of the
relevance of EC-funded mine activities, an analysis of the allocation of funds among mineaffected
states, and an assessment of the effectiveness of EU-funded mine action support. The
evaluation teams looked into coordination among the Commission and other agencies supporting
mine action, assessed the impact of deconcentration and the potential impact of the end of the specific budget line for anti-personnel landmines. Each team made recommendations to improve
the identification, definition, implementation, and impact of EC-funded mine projects, and to
enhance the opportunities for cross-fertilisation among mine action programmes in the regions
and globally.
This report summarizes the findings from the six regional studies and draws common conclusions
and recommendations.