Community Gardens in eThekweni Municipality in South Africa

M.G. Leech
Publication language
Research, reports and studies
Environment & climate, Food and nutrition, Livelihoods, Urban
South Africa


The western parts of eThekweni Municipality consists of large tracts of public land, which were zoned for various purposes, but could not be used or developed due to limited
finances. In early 1998, the Inner West Council of eThekweni Municipality decided to make urban agriculture a function of the Parks and Recreation Department of the Municipality.
This Municipality is situated within the coastal belt on the south coast of South Africa, and is characterised by high rainfall and an undulating relief. Under the existing health by-laws of the
municipality, public lands need to be cut and cleaned of rank grass and undergrowth on a regular basis. Most of such land is occupied by previously disadvantaged citizens (of South Africa). Traditionally, these people have been farmers, who now grow food for home consumption, and have been clearing these vacant sites and burning the vegetation found on these properties.