Risk in Indian Cities

All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
Date published
31 Mar 2012
After action & learning reviews
Disaster risk reduction, Education, Gender, Livelihoods, Urban, Poverty, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction

Since the year 2001 All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) has worked at least in 37 cities from 11 states/ union territories of India. The activities include community consultations, participatory risk assessments, school safety audit, capacity building activities through trainings, demonstrations and mock-drills; advocacy through round tables, community researches, gender studies and information dissemination; participatory shelter and school reconstruction activities, restoration of livelihoods, micro-finance to businesses and risk transfer initiatives of slum dwellers. These activities support slum dwellers and the urban poor from marginalised communities. The following is an overview.